The Benefits of VASER Body Sculpting

The Benefits of VASER Body Sculpting

VASER body sculpting combines liposuction with abdominoplasty. Combining these procedures provides a more attractive contour by eliminating unwanted skin during the removal of excess fat. This procedure has been referred to in the media as “six-pack abs surgery.” This process leads to more muscle definition and smoother body contours.


Why choose VASER Body Sculpting Over Traditional Liposuction?

Traditional abdominoplasty leaves the skin as thick with fat as it was before surgery. The VASER procedure combines liposuction to thin out skin, so that muscle definition is more prominent. This process results in the tighter appearance of the skin on the abdomen, thus enhancing an individual’s muscle structure beneath the skin.


Many patients opting for improved body contours report being incredibly happy after the VASER body sculpting procedure. Part of the reason is that 4-D VASER more accurately disrupts and eliminates stubborn fat cells, which results in far less fat returning than in traditional liposuction.

Recovering From 4D-VASER Body Sculpting Patients who are typically more athletic and have fewer fat deposits to remove often find that recovery time is relatively quick. Patients can return to slower, lower-impact activities within two to three days after surgery. Many patients return to everyday activities about a week or two after the procedure is performed.


After undergoing a VASER body sculpting procedure, patients are encouraged to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including diet and exercise, to maintain the best results.


Body contouring with liposuction

The primary goal behind any liposuction procedure is to further contour and sculpt areas by removing excess fat. It’s no secret that men and women who seek a “little assistance” with their physiques may often turn to liposuction to take their bodies to the next level. Liposuction can take a few inches off the body, especially in targeted areas such as the waist, hips, or thighs. However, it is essential to note that liposuction of any kind is not a weight loss solution. 


Orthosculpt adds another dimension.

See why Dr. Cyr’s mastery of Orthosculpt can make your VASER body sculpting even more rewarding.