Information On How Are Brick Tiles Manufactured?

As soon as the bricks get in our yard our experts immediately begin fabricating them into brick tiles. The bundle of bricks will be moved into the manufacturing facility and the staff will start trimming them. We have numerous state of the art brick trimming devices in our manufacturing plant so can produce a substantial quantity of brickslips in a day. Additionally, we also have specialised brick cutting tools that enables us to precisly manufacture corner brick slips, headers and stretcher reveals. We can help -

Once they are cut, tidied up and packed; the brick tiles are moved into our picking & packing zone. Our team will then precisely and meticulously pick your purchase onto a pallet. The moment they have picked the order and they will then check out again look over it to make sure it is most definitely correct. The boxes of brick tiles are then secured to the pallet. Lastly, they are wrapped and banded to guarantee their safety. We then send out our brick slips straight your local distribution centre, all ready for shipment to you! -

At a separate factory, we produce our brick specimen panels. The staff at this manufacturing area will receive brick slips that have been trimmed by us. Using a specialised brick slip glue, they fasten the brick tiles to a sample deck. Our samples are completely free of charge to our consumers. They are composed of 3 brickslip pieces and 3 brick slip headers to give you a great idea on the true look of the product.

How To Install Brick Tiles

Applying your own brick tiles can be quite a fun challenge for you to take on. I am going to talk you through the way to do so as per our installation manual.

The very first step it sets out the moment you have gathered your equipment, is to prep your surface. You do this by first ensuring that the area you want to attach your brick tiles is free from dust and debris. A great tool for this is our wire brush which will help you clean the area rapidly and effectively. Now you are ready to apply pro primer to the wall surface. This is created to prime the substrate ready for the applying of your brick slip adhesive. It is advisable to use a large soft paint brush or a roller brush to cover the whole area. Some walls may require a 2nd layer of primer.

Continuing on from this, you’ll want to lay out your brick tiles on your wall using a spirit level and pen to help you. This will help you to gauge how your brickslips will fit on in the corners and edges of your feature wall surface. It is best method to avoid leaving tiny gaps at the top, bottom or either side of your project wall so you might have to cut some of your brick slips to make them fit.

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